Here lies old Mentz for want of wife
Who by the dagger took his life.
I ain't.
A harried life great Matthew led
So now sweet Earth provides his bed.
Here, our infant son, abide,
All joy and woe alike denied.
The horror!
Until this stone decays to dust,
Behold, my name was Daniel Pruss!
Here lies valiant Urlich Small
Who perished in a drunken brawl.
I cede my name to Pluto's hand
For I am one with every man.
Here lies a soul more worthy than man,
My faithful kitty, Caliban.
Now that my turn has come to go,
I say not good-bye but indeed hello.
This, my legacy, my humble estate.
Each tender hope did life destroy,
So let its parting bring me joy.
George Chadderdon © 1993